Jazzhound.net - The Home of
Mark Berresford Rare Records
The Premier Location for Rare and Unusual 78s
Record Collection Valuation Service
Important! Sorry, but we do not supply free valuations!
Despite stressing this fact I am still inundated with such requests; so much so that I will not be responding to messages requesting free valuations. If you want to know how much an individual record is worth, look on eBay. Please don’t waste either your time or ours asking the value of a single 78 as we don’t offer this as a service.
We can, for a pre-arranged fee, provide an independent, accurate and legally-acceptable valuation service for 78 rpm record collections (not an accumulation of LPs or the box of Gracie Fields or Richard Tauber 78s you found under Auntie Doris’s bed!). This is particularly useful for probate, insurance, tax or estate valuation purposes.
We have to view the collection to provide this service and a fee plus travel expenses is payable. IMPORTANT! Please read our comments on the Record Collections Purchased page of this website about what and what not is of value before spending time typing lists of worthless records!