Jazzhound.net - The Home of
Mark Berresford Rare Records
The Premier Location for Rare and Unusual 78s
VINTAGE JAZZ MART. The world's longest running Jazz and Blues trading magazine - now celebrating its 66th year of continuous publication! Extensive website with articles (including archive of previous articles) on bands, musicians, grading and details on selling 78s, plus 1000s of rare Jazz and Blues 78s and LPs for sale and auction from the world's top dealers and collectors in each issue. Many auctions are also available online. They don't come bigger or better!
THE CITY OF LONDON PHONOGRAPH & GRAMOPHONE SOCIETY. The world's oldest society dedicated to phonographs and gramophones. An excellent resource with a pronounced leaning to machines and 'serious' music.
BLUES WORLD. Enormous content, links, page-hosting, auctions and much more. Hours of fun!
VINTAGE JAZZ AND DANCE MUSIC AT 78rpm. John Wright's well-designed and very comprehensive site is a must-see for 78rpm record collectors. Where to buy and sell records, how to grade them, clean them and pack them, lists of magazines, web sites, articles, music files, record societies - the lot. Be prepared to spend some time at this site!
ON THIS DAY IN JAZZ AGE MUSIC. A fantastic daily-updated blog of Jazz Age births, deaths and more with great links to sites featuring the artists mentioned.
THE HARLEM FUSS. A good-looking, highly informative (and occasionally controversial) discographical website dedicated to the Harlem-based recording singers and musicians of the 1920s. Meticulously researched, many hours can be spent here!
BIRGIT LOTZ-VERLAG HOMEPAGE. Mainly a record auction and discography sales site, but with useful historical information, including a complete German Vox listing. Especially useful to collectors of German records.
MONROVIA SOUND STUDIOS - RAGTIME-JAZZ-HOT PIANO. Very professional site devoted to piano ragtime and jazz founded by the late Mike Meddings, one of the foremost experts on Jelly Roll Morton. Strong emphasis on Morton and piano rolls of ragtime and jazz performers, with an extensive library of MIDI files and photos. Recommended!
THE JAZZ DISCOGRAPHY by Tom Lord. 100 years of jazz on one CD-ROM - all you need to know about virtually any jazz record ever released.
TIM GRACYK'S PHONOGRAPHS & OLD RECORDS. An extremely useful and well presented website with heaps of original research about the early days of the record industry and recording pioneers.
FLORENCE MILLS.COM Florence Mills' biographer Bill Egan's tribute to singer and dancer Florence Mills, with much useful material, sound files, pics and much more. Very useful and well-considered links to other web sites with related themes.
JAZZ-ON-LINE.COM A comprehensive Classic Jazz download site with over 15000 titles in mp3 format available at a very low cost (currently $5 for 3 months). Tons of great material including vintage personality recordings (Jolson, Marion Harris, Cantor etc, etc.) and a good search engine to find them too!
WWW.JAZZQUOTATIONS.COM A great idea - a website devoted to quotations on the subject of jazz and jazz musicians. Very comprehensive and searchable by artist, subject etc.
DE WEERGEVER. Amsterdam-based record collectors' club which meets Thursdays and Sundays. Well worth going along - great people and good snacks too!
GOLDEN MYSTICS OF OLD TIME MUSIC. A 'work in progress' website devoted to all-encompassing 'Popular Music' of the 1910-30s on 78. Some very useful articles and imagery.
THE78RECORDSPINS. Interesting, fact-filled blog and resource run by Canadian collector Ken McPherson.
POPPY RECORDS. Adrian Tuddenham's eclectic site - CDs for sale, Archival transferring of discs, cylinders and redundant formats, etc. His electric cylinder machine has to be seen to be believed!
THE HISTORY OF RECORD PLAYERS IN CARS. Yes, it's arcane, but it adds to life's rich pattern!
Please let me know if you would like to trade links, or if you know of a site which should be listed.